In celebration of Sandpiper Realty and Sandpiper Rental's 50th Anniversary, we will be making $200 donations each week throughout the year to local non-profits. The 12th donation of our 50 Weeks of Giving initiative is going to Camp Jabberwocky.
From the end of June to the end of August, Camp Jabberwocky offers children and adults with a wide range of disabilities the chance to enjoy the summer in a small family-like community – living together and enjoying jam-packed days filled with adventurous activities and experiences that are safe, empowering, exciting and fun. Campers stay between one and four weeks during which they enjoy activities and classes on campus and out and about in the community of Martha’s Vineyard. Families are only asked to pay what they can afford, and no one has ever been turned away because of an inability to pay.
To make a donation to this incredible organization, or learn about how you can volunteer, visit their website here.
Follow us to find out who the lucky non-profit organization will be next week! #50WeeksofGiving