In celebration of Sandpiper Realty and Sandpiper Rental's 50th Anniversary, we will be making $200 donations each week throughout the year to local non-profits. The 30th donation of our 50 Weeks of Giving initiative is going to the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby.
Aside from managing a premier tournament, at the core of the Derby’s mission is to give back to the Vineyard community and to support and protect recreational fishing efforts. The Derby awards college scholarships to graduates of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School, as well as scholarships for youngsters to attend summer camps. Additionally, thousands of pounds of fish fillets are donated to the senior citizens of the island community through the Derby’s fillet program. Finally, the Derby supports local conservation causes, various youth organizations, and safe boating awareness through its charitable contributions.
Follow us to find out who the lucky non-profit organization will be next week! #50WeeksofGiving