In celebration of Sandpiper Realty and Sandpiper Rental's 50th Anniversary, we will be making $200 donations each week throughout the year to local non-profits. The 42nd donation of our 50 Weeks of Giving initiative is going to Plastic Free MV.
This group of 5th and 6th graders learned about the dangers of single use plastic in our environment and decided to take action. We decided They put a bylaw on the town warrant for 3 of the 6 towns on our island that passed in all three towns. There will be no more sales or distribution of single use plastic water or soda bottles under 34oz in the towns of West Tisbury, Chilmark or Aquinnah starting May 1, 2020.
Follow us to find out who the lucky non-profit organization will be next week! #50WeeksofGiving