On Sunday, October 20, 2013 history was made at the annual awards ceremony for the Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. For the first time in the Derby, a woman won the brand new Eastern 22' boat. Jena-Lynn Beauregard took first place for biggest shore bass (weighing in at 34.63 lbs) giving her a 1 in 4 shot at winning the boat. After keys were drawn and all but hers were tested, Ms. Beauregard was the last (wo)man standing waiting for her turn to try the lock. As the silent crowd looked on Ms. Beauregard knew she had the winning key. With her breath held she tried the lock, and CLICK; She won the ultimate grand prize for the Derby from the shore. She told the
Martha's Vineyard Gazette, "It's overwhelming [and] intense... to be up on the stage with all these great fishermen". The last time a woman won, which was from a boat, it was in 1993. This marks the first time in the 68 years of the Derby that a woman has won from the shore.

Jenna wasn't the only derby winner that day. Sam Bell took home a brand new Chevy Silverado with his winning false albacore weighing in at 13.24 lbs caught from a boat.

Congratulations to all the division category winners for the 2013 Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby. To everyone else who participated and fished their hearts out, at least we have some great fishing stories to tell, and memories were made. The 2014 Derby will be here before we know it. All it takes is just one fish to win it all.
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