On August 30 the Martha's Vineyard Museum unveiled its newest gallery exhibit called, "One on the Line: The Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby". The exhibit highlights the 67 year history of the annual Martha's Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby.
I am a fisher(wo)man. I love to fish, and look forward to the Derby every year. I register for it as soon as registration is available and even have a number reserved for me; so it's easy to assume I was looking forward to the unveiling of the Derby exhibit last Friday. After leisurely strolling through the other exhibits I made my way through the crowd of fellow fishermen and women and was surprised with what I encountered. The first thing you'll notice as you approach the exhibit are the large fish mounted on the walls; each one caught from previous Derby's. As you look around you'll see antique fishing gear, buttons and pins from Derby's past, photos chronicling the history of the Derby, and much more. I highly recommend coming with a charged cell phone so you can hear oral stories about specific items or events from the Derby's past.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and suggest you take the time to go view the exhibit. Ticket prices are $7 for adults and $4 for kids. Visit monday through Saturday 10 - 5 or Sunday noon - 5pm. Located at 59 School Street in Edgartown, the MV Museum is 2 blocks from Historic Downtown Edgartown. The entrance is at the intersection of Cooke and School Streets with parking available off School Street.
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