It's only fitting that the Grand Illumination in Cottage City, Oak Bluffs lands just days before President Obama and his family arrive for their Martha's Vineyard vacation. Over a century ago, this wonderful tradition was created to welcome the Governor of Massachusetts to the island.

This Wednesday night, August 19, 2009, as the sun sets in Oak Bluffs, the gingerbread cottages at the old campmeeting grounds, hundreds of colorful Chinese and Japanese lanterns are lit - effectively 'illuminating' the houses, the ground, the ocean-salty air. Visitors and islanders, newcomers and old friends walk around the campgrounds and sit on porches chatting, enjoying and taking in the sights.

Music can be heard from the center of Cottage City as a Community Sing and a band concert happen in the Tabernacle -the 'physical and spiritual center of the Campground.' Built in 1879, the Tabernacle and the community hold weekly church services and many musical events all summer. It's a beautiful place to listen to music - especially with the glow of lanterns surrounding and adding to the music!
For more information about the Martha's Vineyard Campmeeting Association and the Grand Illumination,
visit their website.
And to book the perfect Oak Bluffs rental, contact me!