January has always been a time of hibernation, resolutions, snow, icy temps and usually a time of slowing down…not so on Martha’s Vineyard. It is fast and furious especially with the current rental market!!!
The catalyst for this hype is that every year in mid-January our Steamship Authority released online vehicle reservations to the general public. Some may ask…what should I book first; my rental property or reserve my vehicle on the steamship authority? A bit of a catch 22…

Great questions! In my opinion; booking the rental property is a priority. Once you know your dates, it is important to lock in your property. Upon booking your vehicle and if you are unable to obtain your ideal day and time with the steamship authority; there is a “wait listing” process that really does work. By putting in a date and time closest to your desired time; the computer filters your request continuously and notifies you of the change. You can continue to do this as often as you like – for a slight fee of course.
It is important to be patient with this system. As you get closer to your day of arrival; time slots open up due to cancellations and owners re-depositing unused tickets that were previously purchased.
That being said, I welcome your rental request to help you explore and enjoy your much needed vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
Looking forward to your visit!