In celebration of Sandpiper Realty and Sandpiper Rental's 50th Anniversary, we will be making $200 donations each week throughout the year to local non-profits. We kick off with the first donation of our 50 Weeks of Giving initiative going to the Houses of Grace Island Winter Shelter Program.
This program is coordinated by the Island Clergy in island churches and provides cold weather shelters for the homeless or anyone who simply needs a warm place to stay overnight. From January until the end of March they're open every night from 7PM to 7AM welcoming men, women and families and providing bedding, dinner and breakfast.
Interested in helping this worthy cause? Find out how you can become a volunteer or get information about how to make a donation (money, clothing, nice blankets, etc.) by calling 508-627-5330 or emailing office@standrewsmv.org
Follow us to find out who the lucky non-profit organization will be next week! #50WeeksofGiving