Martha's Vineyard Vacation Style: Second Post in Series
Your vacation style may mimic your daily routine or be a departure from it depending on whether or not you want to stay Connected. Staying connected today is easier than ever - With your Smartphone, Tablet, or Laptop you can tap into the internet and live media whenever and where ever you want to. That is, if you want to. Of course, 2012 is an election year and that's just one reason that we might want to have the option of checking in with reality when we're trying so hard to check out.
Merriam-Webster defines “vacation” as a scheduled period during which activity is suspended. It is up to you to decide what that activity is that you plan to suspend. Is it the activity of watching TV or is it the activity of constantly trying to limit watching TV?
Lately, people have been asking me “so, where are all the TVs located in this rental?” When scoping out the perfect rental home for a vacation, some details matter more than others to people. In the case of the TV, it seems to matter to everyone. We’ve all heard for years that having a TV in the bedroom deters intimacy in your relationship, and interrupts your body’s natural desire to “wind down” before sleep.
The danger of children watching TV in their rooms or elsewhere in the house has been shown to include: lower test scores, behavioral problems, obesity and risk of smoking! TV certainly has its place in our modern lives. It helps us stay connected to our world through local news, sports and weather reports. Relaxing is subjective, and maybe a little TV is what you need at the end of the day. It’s certainly an easy and affordable activity that family members of all ages can do together.
So, the real question is: What’s your Martha's Vineyard vacation style? Do you recreate your home environment in another place or do you try to escape your home environment completely? If checking-in when you're checking out is important to you - find a Martha's Vineyard rental home with a full digital media suite - don't get stuck in a Chappaquiddick "Old-Vineyard" style beach house that's farther off the beaten path than you're comfortable with, unless that IS what you're comfortable with. In which case, you will most likely still be able to check a score or a poll update with some kind of internet connection, just don't expect to plop the kids down in front of a 55" flatscreen for the afternoon. As a vacation destination Martha’s Vineyard satisfies endless possibilities for relaxation however you define it. Make sure you communicate your preference with your rental agent so you don’t end up unplugged or over-connected. Search our inventory here - Sandpiper Rentals - or contact Rose Ryley with your details to find the perfect fit.