Every vacationer wants to have the best vacation they can while having their budget go as far as it can. But many people do not know the best ways to get the most out of their money.
While there are many tips and tricks that savy vacationers have found to save money, one of the most overlooked methods is to book directly with management companies and owners.
On February 7th, Sandpiper Rentals will be participating in #Bookdirect day. This event is an opportunity for upcoming vacation property seekers to learn the benefits of booking directly with management companies and owners. So what are some of the benefits of booking directly with management companies such as Sandpiper Rentals or a property owner directly?
Save hundreds of dollars in processing fees.
While booking online with sites such as Airbnb and HomeAway offer property seekers the ease of searching and booking their properties impersonally online, these sites also have a large overhead of which they pass those costs to you. This results in expensive fees added to your property that could be better used in your pocket during your vacation.
As result of a more personalized relationship between property owners and their managers, they are able to keep these fees much lower.
More security in the booking process
When booking directly with property management companies and owners, you are given the security and peace of mind that your rental will be as you desire.
Booking directly also gives you more flexibility should you have special requests or in-depth information about your property choice.
Inside knowledge of your vacation destination
Owners and property managers know what you are looking for and can directly share their experience and knowledge with you about your choice of destination or property.
Be it the best beaches, sightseeing spots or restaurants, Having direct access to property owners and managers knowledge of your vacation destination is priceless!
More options to choose from
Sandpiper Rentals only puts a fraction of their properties on these sites. Get a personalized search from one of our vacation specialists to access the full scope of our inventory that meets your personal needs.
Did we mention that booking direct can save you money?
We did but we have saved the best for last. When you book direct this gives you access to the best offers available because there are no third party costs being passed on to you, the owners or property managers. These savings allow owners the room to be competitive with their offerings which means more savings and value for you.
As you can see the value of booking direct cannot be understated. If you are interested in more details, contact a Sandpiper Rentals vacation specialist today!